Beautiful pics of Mariah Carey and Maria Menounos feet & legs

Maria Menounos was born in New York City. She is the Greek American journalist, actor and television presenter. She's host of Extra, E! The show has also been a TV reporter on Today Access Hollywood. In 2006 she hosted The Eurovision Song Contest in Athens Greece. During the show the 44-year-old presented an update on her health. She also revealed that she's doing well after privately fighting an early stage pancreatic cancer this year. Menounos declared, "I'm feeling great and I am grateful for being healthy and my daughter." Litsa Menounos, Maria's mother was diagnosed in the month of August 2016 as having GBM (glioblastoma Multiforme) which is a malignant brain tumor that is difficult to treat. Menounos was taking an active role in caring for her mother as she was treated with chemotherapy and radiation. Mariah Carey has been an American performer, actor as well as producer and owner of a record label since the late 1980s. Guinness World Records refers to her as "the Songbird Supreme" for her five-octave voice range as well as her melismatic voice style and use of whistle register.

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